
CleanMyDriveletsyoumaintainyourremovabledrivesaseasyasneverbeforewithCleanMyDrive!ItcleansupneedlessservicejunkgeneratedbyWindowsor ...,欢迎来到CleanMyDrive2支持中心!在这里,您可以找到关于CleanMyDrive2的所有问题的回答。,CleanMyDrive2:ManageandCleanExternalDrivesisafreesoftwareonlyavailableforMac,beingpartofthecategoryUtilities.,【Mac】CleanMyDrive2清理USB、記憶卡的隱藏垃圾檔案,讀取速度、儲存...

CleanMyDrive 2

CleanMyDrive lets you maintain your removable drives as easy as never before with CleanMyDrive! It cleans up needless service junk generated by Windows or ...

CleanMyDrive 2 支持中心

欢迎来到CleanMyDrive 2 支持中心!在这里,您可以找到关于CleanMyDrive 2 的所有问题的回答。

CleanMyDrive 2

CleanMyDrive 2: Manage and Clean External Drives is a free software only available for Mac, being part of the category Utilities.

CleanMyDrive 2(APPLE下載)

【Mac】 CleanMyDrive 2 清理USB、記憶卡的隱藏垃圾檔案,讀取速度、儲存空間最大化! 相關文章 ... Mac 的容量可以說是寸土寸金,丟在垃圾桶的檔案 ...

CleanMyDrive 2:进化的磁盘管理小工具

2015年12月9日 — 此次更新,最大的惊喜还在于外接磁盘隐藏菜单里新增了更改磁盘图标、自动清理垃圾文件(磁盘推出时才进行清理)以及「始终保持挂载」状态按钮,CMD 这款 ...

CleanMyDrive 2:進化的磁盤管理小工具

2015年12月10日 — 新版最重要的變化就是加入了手動/自動清理外掛磁盤垃圾文件的功能,這是要像老大哥挑釁的節奏,你可以對外掛的SD 卡,移動硬盤以及U 盤進行清理。

Download CleanMyDrive for Mac

CleanMyDrive lets you maintain your removable drives as easy as never before with CleanMyDrive! It cleans up needless service junk generated by Windows or ...

Download free CleanMyDrive 2 for macOS

2023年12月25日 — CleanMyDrive 2 is a simple program designed for users who need to immediately check disk usage statistics and eject drives on their Macs.

We've made a decision to stop developing CleanMyDrive 2

2023年10月25日 — CleanMyDrive 2 will disappear from the App Store soon. It will remain on your Mac as a fully functional and safe app, but we will no longer ...